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Submit Program Profile to Composition Forum

Posted by – January 26, 2024

The team at Composition Forum welcomes new “Program Profiles” editors to the journal: Dr. Holland Prior, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at Point Loma Nazarene University, and Dr. Joe Wilson, Assistant Professor of Composition and Literacy at Syracuse University.

We also want to thank our outgoing Program Profile editors, Dr. Crystal Fodrey and Christopher Shosted, for their incredible editorial work with the journal.

Currently, we are seeking submissions to the Program Profile section for our spring and fall issues. Program Profiles discuss the ways in which theories, research, and pedagogies shape individual college writing programs and inform programmatic initiatives. More information about the conventions of this genre and submission guidelines are available on our website

We define writing programs capaciously. We encourage profiles from programs serving students at any stage in their academic careers. Additionally, we encourage program profiles in contexts where the term “Writing Program” may not fully describe the writing work of the institution, such as in some transnational contexts.

Please feel free to contact the new Program Profiles editors with any and all questions: Holland Prior & Joe Wilson & 

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Composition Forum Call for Applications: Review Editors

Posted by – October 23, 2023

Composition Forum: A Journal of Pedagogical Theory in Rhetoric and Composition seeks a Review Editor or team of Review Editors to replace the outgoing editors. The Review Editor solicits book reviews and review essays, offers editorial feedback and revision suggestions to review authors, makes publication decisions about potential reviews, and helps to format reviews for two regular issues per year. Duties also include maintaining contact with publishers to obtain new titles, ensuring that review authors receive copies of texts, and participating in online editorial meetings. The incoming editor will shadow the current Review Editors for one production cycle. Teams of two editors are encouraged, though individuals are also welcome to apply.  

Please submit a CV and an email describing your qualifications and vision/goals for the Reviews section of Composition Forum to Christian Weisser ( Review of applicants will begin on November 15, 2023.

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Call for Proposals for a Special Issue of Composition Forum: “Contemplative and Mindful-Based Pedagogies for Writing Ourselves and the World”

Posted by – July 11, 2022

Guest editors: Paula Mathieu, Boston College, and Angela Muir, Boston College

Amid another academic year shaped by the pandemic, a crumbling economy, and a critical human rights movement, professors struggle to align to a pedagogy that is both supportive and rigorous. The latest Healthy Minds survey shows that mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are at a record high of 47% among students, and an outstanding number of those students are reaching out to their professors for support. In a recent roundtable at Boston College on Trauma-Informed Contemplative Pedagogies, Professor Oh Myo Kim (CDEP, LSEHD) responded, “Class time is not therapy, but can be therapeutic.” Resources on contemplative pedagogies and contemplative practices have been increasingly highlighted in higher education. 

Contemplative practices (also sometimes referred to as mindfulness or awareness practices) in the classroom are getting headlines because they help students increase focus, calm their sympathetic nervous systems, and address the sense of overwhelm experienced within the wake of an ongoing global pandemic, increased attention to escalating racial violence, shifts between online and in-person learning, and intensifying climate disasters. Certainly, writers and their instructors need to be able to cultivate a calm presence in order to work, trust, and learn together. In addition, as this special issue will argue, contemplative pedagogies represent an important intervention in this current moment, not only to help equip individuals with greater resilience, but as a vital tool to help people engage the hard work of racial reckoning, engaging political differences, and healing our planet. In other words, we see contemplative pedagogy as a way to help writing achieve the transformative potential that composition theorists (Berlin, Trimbur, Schor) have long advocated.

This special issue of Composition Forum will address the what, why, how, and why now of contemplative writing pedagogy, while tracing its long roots within the history composition and writing studies:

  • How do we define contemplation and what are the assumptions, traditions and ideas underlying its many pedagogies?
  • What do contemplative pedagogies aim for? What do they accomplish? How do they contribute to other writing pedagogies?
  • Why and how might one adopt contemplative approaches to writing? What are the theoretical, neuroscientific, and writerly reasons to explore contemplative pedagogies?
  • Why do contemplative pedagogies seem especially urgent in this historical moment? How can contemplative approaches help support anti-racist, anti-ablist, and environmental approaches to writing instruction?

This issue will build upon and extend the argument Robert Yagelski made in Writing as a Way of Being (2011), which contends that writing instruction in secondary and post-secondary schools fails to live up to its progressive promises, despite advances in pedagogical theories.  He argues that “conventional writing instruction and assessment continue to operate on the assumption that writing is a sometimes challenging but relatively straightforward conduit for meaning” (24). Even social and post-process theories, argues Yagelski, fall short of their radical potential because of a tacit embrace of Cartesian dualism, which posits the self as an autonomous being, the world as separate and knowable from the knower, and language as a relatively unproblematic conduit for thought (45).  

Contemplative pedagogies aim to help students see writing as part of how we learn to be in the world, as a tool for living, and as a collaborative means of shared inquiry toward intersubjective truth, both within educational settings and without.

The nature of contemplative practice is fluid, so we are open to creative and experimental forms. In addition to scholarly articles, we are interested in interviews, personal reflections, book reviews, and course designs. 

You are welcome to submit a proposal of 250 to 500 words, final drafts should be between 2500 to 6000 words. Send all submissions to


Proposals: September 1, 2022

Drafts: January 1, 2023

Feedback Distributed: March 2023

Final Drafts: May 1, 2023

Paula Mathieu is an Associate Professor of English at Boston College and director of the university’s First-Year Writing program. She has been speaking and publishing about mindfulness and contemplative pedagogies since 2013. She is the 2021 recipient of the Coalition for Community Writing Engaged Scholar Award.

Angela Muir holds a BA from the University of Michigan and an MFA from Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School. She is a 200 RYT in Hatha and Tantra from the Hawaii School of Yoga and has taught yoga, meditation, yoga philosophy and creative writing courses in San Francisco and Seattle. She is currently a graduate student and teaching fellow at Boston College pursuing research on contemplative pedagogies.

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Call for Fall 2022 Book Reviews

Posted by – March 1, 2022

Hello, all!

Composition Forum is now soliciting traditional or multimodal book reviews for our Fall 2022 issue and upcoming issues. We encourage you to widely distribute this call to your graduate programs and professional networks. If you or your students are interested, please email us at by Monday, April 11, 2022.

Composition Forum publishes reviews of books, websites, and other texts that may be of interest to teachers and scholars of writing. Single reviews are generally 1500 words, and review essays are approximately 2500 words. Multimodal reviews are also encouraged and might include podcasts or video-based reviews. What follows is a list of books currently available for review (please note that some of these titles are available in PDF or hard-copy form, depending on the publisher):

●      Rhetorics of Overcoming: Rewriting Narratives of Disability and Accessibility in Writing Studies by Allison Harper Hitt

●      PARS in Practice, edited by Jessie Borgman & Casey McArdle.

●      Literacy and Pedagogy in an Age of Misinformation and Disinformation, edited by Tara Lockhart, Brenda Glascott, Chris Warnick, Juli Parrish, and Justin Lewis

●      Translingual Pedagogical Perspectives: Engaging Domestic and International Students in the Composition Classroom, edited by Julia E. Kiernan, Alanna Frost & Suzanne Blum Malley

●      Effective Teaching of Technical Communication: Theory, Practice, and Application, edited by Michael J. Kleins

●      Reading and Writing Instruction in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Ellen C. Carillo

●      Composition and Big Data, edited by Amanda Licastro and Benjamin M. Miller

●      Update Culture and the Afterlife of Digital Writing by John R. Gallagher

●      Postprocess Postmortem, by Kristopher M. Lotier

●      Working with and against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators, edited by Connie Kendall Theado and Samantha NeCamp

●      English Studies Online: Programs, Practices, Possibilities, edited by William P. Banks and Susan Spangler

●      Pedagogical Perspectives on Cognition and Writing, edited by J. Michael Rifenburg, Patricia Portanova, and Duane Roen

●      Teaching Critical Reading and Writing in the Era of Fake News, edited by Ellen C. Carillo Alice S. Horning

●      Engaging Research Communities in Writing Studies: Ethics, Public Policy, and Research Design, by Johanna Phelps

●      English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World, edited by Bruce Morrison, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, and Alan Urmston

●      Privacy Matters: Conversations about Surveillance within and beyond the Classroom, edited by Estee Beck & Les Hutchinson Campos

●      Digital Writing: A Guide to Writing for Social Media and the Web, by Daniel Lawrence

●      Teaching Writing through the Immigrant Story, edited by Heather Ostman, Howard Tinberg, and Danizete Martínez

●      Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education, edited by Jim Bowman and Jennifer deWinter

●      Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods, by Alexandria Lockett, Iris D. Ruiz, James Chase Sanchez, and Christopher Carter

●      The Hidden Inequities in Labor-Based Contract Grading, by Ellen C. Carillo

You are also welcome to propose a book not on this list but that aligns with Composition Forum’s scope of interest. We will review responses and select reviewers as soon as possible. Fall 2022 issues reviews are due in late July 2022. Please let us know if you have any questions!


Jackie Hoermann-Elliott and Rachel Daugherty

Composition Forum Web Editor-in-Training

Posted by – March 1, 2022

Composition Forum is looking to expand its web editor staff!

We’re looking to take on a web editor-in-training to learn the ropes of preparing issues for publication and collaborating on a new design for the journal.

You don’t have to be an expert web designer, but we’re looking for someone who has some knowledge of HTML and CSS and an interest in Web standards and accessibility-oriented practices. You’ll end up working with PHP and JavaScript as well, but no existing knowledge of either is necessary—only the willingness to try it out.

If this sounds like something that interests you, please reach out to Kevin Brock ( to learn more and get involved!

Seeking Reviewers

Posted by – August 5, 2021


The editors of Composition Forum are seeking reviewers for the journal. If interested, please read below and complete the interest form.

Serving as a reviewer for Composition Forum means the editorial team:

  • May ask you to review once approximately every two years.
  • Will email you with an abstract from the manuscript we would like you to review and you can choose at that time to review it or pass.
  • Expects reviewers to write 1-2 single-spaced pages of feedback for the manuscript within 8 weeks of receiving it.
  • Asks that you consider reading a revision of the manuscript should the author decide to revise and resubmit.

While there is no compensation for this work, there are numerous professional and scholarly benefits to serving as a reviewer, such as keeping abreast of the field’s up-and-coming scholarship and shaping the production of knowledge for what is published in our field. We are also happy to write an official letter to your supervisor, department chair, dean, rank and tenure committee or anyone else who might want documentation of your work.

We especially encourage scholars from underrepresented groups to join the reviewer database.

If interested, please let us know by completing this form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ashley Holmes and Faith Kurtyka at

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Call for Applications: Program Profile Editor

Posted by – February 16, 2021

Composition Forum, an open access journal of pedagogical theory in rhetoric and composition, is seeking an editor or co-editors for its Program Profiles section. Since 2006, the Program Profiles section of the journal has offered a venue for showcasing exemplary writing programs (broadly conceived) and highlighting the scholarly contribution to our field that such program development and administration demonstrates, including the ways in which theories, research, and pedagogies shape individual writing programs. The Program Profiles editor(s) review program profile submissions and work with authors to prepare program profiles for publication.

Ideal candidates will have expertise in rhetoric and composition studies and experience in writing program scholarship and administration. Institutional support is not required, but it is a plus. Small teams (up to two people) are encouraged to apply.

To apply for the position, send a one-page letter of application outlining your qualifications and vision for Program Profiles to editor Christian Weisser. Specific questions about the position can be sent to current Program Profiles editors Ashley Holmes and Faith Kurtyka.

Review of applications will begin on March 15th, 2021. Learn more about Composition Forum at

Call for Applications: Communications Editor

Posted by – September 11, 2019

Composition Forum is seeking a Communications Editor effective immediately. Responsibilities will include developing a social media presence for the journal, promoting regular and special issues of Composition Forum, cross-marketing and building relationships with other scholarly publications in rhetoric and composition, and representing the journal at various conferences and events.

Applicants should send a brief statement of interest and a CV to Editor Christian Weisser at Review of applicants will begin on October 10th, 2019.

Gonzales’ “Multimodality, Translingualism, and Rhetorical Genre Studies” Selected for The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals

Posted by – July 1, 2016

Laura Gonzales’ article “Multimodality, Translingualism, and Rhetorical Genre Studies” from Composition Forum vol. 31 has been accepted for inclusion in the newest edition of The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals.

We are incredibly happy for her achievement!

Below is the abstract for the article, and you can read the text in its entirety here:

This article situates one possible future for rhetorical genre studies (RGS) in the translingual, multimodal composing practices of linguistically diverse composition students. Using focus group data collected with L1 (English as a first language) and L2 (English as a second language) students at two large public state universities, the researcher examines connections between students’ linguistic repertoires and their respective approaches to multimodal composition. Students at both universities took composition courses that incorporate rhetorical genre studies approaches to teaching writing in conventional print and multimodal forms. Findings suggest L2 students exhibit advanced expertise and rhetorical sensitivity when layering meaning through multimodal composition. This expertise comes in part from L2 students’ experiences combining and crossing various modes when they cannot exclusively rely on words to communicate in English. Through this evidence, the researcher argues the translingual practices of L2 students can bridge connections and help develop pedagogical applications of multimodality and RGS, primarily by helping writing instructors teach genres as fluid and socially situated. In addition, the researcher presents a methodology for analyzing the embodied practices of composition students, which can further expand how genres are theorized and taught in composition courses.

The Best of the Independent Rhetoric & Composition Journals series, published by Parlor Press, “represents the result of a nationwide conversation—beginning with journal editors, but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition—to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field’s independent journals.”

Congratulations to Laura!

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Volume 30 of Composition Forum published

Posted by – August 15, 2014

Our thirtieth volume (Fall 2014) is now officially available!

This issue features:

In addition, there are seven articles addressing composition theory and pedagogy, three program profiles, three reviews, and our first “sonic” review!

More details about the volume’s contents are available in a column from the editors.

We hope you explore the journal, and we welcome any and all suggestions, questions, and comments about it.

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