Volume 35 of Composition Forum is now available at: http://compositionforum.com/
The Spring 2017 volume begins with two interviews. The lead interview features Elizabeth Flynn, and the second is a discussion-based interview with Cindy Selfe, Victor Villanueva, and Steve Parks. Volume 35 also includes seven articles addressing the intersections of composition theory and pedagogy, as well as profiles of writing programs at Brigham Young University, University of New Mexico, and St. George’s University (West Indies). In addition, Volume 35 contains a review essay and two book reviews.
We also want to announce an expansion of the Retrospectives section, which will now include reflections on important scholarship from multiple authors as well as retrospectives that memorialize scholars who had a groundbreaking impact on the field. Please read our From the Editors column to learn more: http://compositionforum.com/issue/35/from-the-editors.php
We hope you will read this volume of Composition Forum, and we welcome your suggestions and comments.