Month: August 2021

Seeking Reviewers

Posted by – August 5, 2021


The editors of Composition Forum are seeking reviewers for the journal. If interested, please read below and complete the interest form.

Serving as a reviewer for Composition Forum means the editorial team:

  • May ask you to review once approximately every two years.
  • Will email you with an abstract from the manuscript we would like you to review and you can choose at that time to review it or pass.
  • Expects reviewers to write 1-2 single-spaced pages of feedback for the manuscript within 8 weeks of receiving it.
  • Asks that you consider reading a revision of the manuscript should the author decide to revise and resubmit.

While there is no compensation for this work, there are numerous professional and scholarly benefits to serving as a reviewer, such as keeping abreast of the field’s up-and-coming scholarship and shaping the production of knowledge for what is published in our field. We are also happy to write an official letter to your supervisor, department chair, dean, rank and tenure committee or anyone else who might want documentation of your work.

We especially encourage scholars from underrepresented groups to join the reviewer database.

If interested, please let us know by completing this form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ashley Holmes and Faith Kurtyka at

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