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Composition Forum: Volume 54: Summer 2024

Introduction to the Special Issue: An Invitation to Contemplative Writing Pedagogy
Paula Mathieu and Angela Muir


Contemplative Practice for Community Building and Healing in Writing Studies: A Conversation
Veronica House and Stephanie Briggs


Writing Practice, not Practice Writing
Eli Goldblatt

Creating Community as Contemplative Practice
Angela Muir

Rituals of (Dis)Regard and Mindfulness
Rasha Diab

Moving from Self-Care to Self/Society Care: A Pedagogical Unit
Erin Schaefer

Writing as a Spiritual Exercise
Paul Lynch

You Never Arrive: Yogic Agency as Writing Pedagogy
Abigail Orenstein Ash

Contemplative Pedagogy Supporting Undergraduate Writing Groups
Debbie Goss and Wenqi Cui

Embracing Vulnerability: Personal Narratives in The FYC Classroom as Methods of Personal and Social Change
Courtney Lund O’Neil

Contemplation in the Writing Center: Pedagogies of Kindness, Respect, and Community for Mindful Activist Work
Anna Sicari and Laura Tunningley

“Why Am I Here?”: Exploring Graduate Students’ Academic Writing Anxieties and the Potential for Contemplative and Mindfulness-Based Teaching Practices
Anuj Gupta and Susan Miller-Cochran

Course Designs

Contemplative Rewilding
Beth Connors-Manke

Mindfulness in the Monolith: A Writing Course Design for Post-Pandemic Contemplation
Adrienne Lamberti

Contemplative Course Design: Promoting Mindfulness and Academic Belonging Among Student Writers Labeled Institutionally Unprepared
Kristen Starkowski

Capturing Presence and Contemplation through Applied Improvisational Theater
Lauren Esposito

Fostering the Wellbeing of Graduate Student Writers Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Embodied Contemplative Pedagogy
Katharine H. Brown and Annie Small

Previous issue: Vol 53, Spring 2024.