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Composition Forum: Volume 46: Spring 2021

From the Editors
Christian Weisser, Greg Giberson, Ashley Holmes, and Faith Kurtyka


Memoria with a Friend of Mine: An Interview with Victor Villanueva
Tabitha Espina


Assignments and Expectations: The Role of Genre and Faculty Expectations in Transfer
Jane Danielewicz, Jordynn Jack, Ashley Hall, Sarah Ann Singer, Emi Stuemke, and Jennifer Ware

“We Are Going to Negotiate!”: Graduate Teacher-Scholars’ Understanding of Translingual Pedagogy
Havva Zorluel Özer

Revising Reflection for Results in Teacher Research
Adrienne Jankens and Amy Ann Latawiec

Remediation that Delivers: Incorporating Attention to Delivery into Transmodal-Translingual Approaches to Composition
Tait Bergstrom

Beyond Osmosis: Developing Teaching for Transfer Pedagogy for Graduate Classes in Composition
Ryan P. Shepherd, Courtney A. Mauck, Christopher J. Barber, and Sue Fletcher

Retention and Persistence in Writing Programs: A Survey of Students Repeating First-Year Writing
Todd Ruecker

Program Profiles

Creating a Collaborative Culture of Access through the Accessibility Working Group
Molly E. Ubbesen

Design and Implementation of the First Peer-Staffed Writing Center in Thailand
Martha Olson, Sutraphorn Tantiniranat, Molly McHarg, and Weraphon Carmesak


Review of Frankie Condon and Vershawn Ashanti Young’s Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication
Kimberly A. Bain

Review of Hannah Rule’s Situating Writing Processes
Jeremy Levine

“What is writing education for?”: Challenging the Transfer Turn with Rhetorical Ethos and Place-Based Writing
Russell Mayo

Previous issue: Vol 45, Fall 2020.